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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Boston or Bust

Eric and I decided that our BIG summer vacation this year, our last one as DINKS (duel income, no kids), would be to Historic Boston. Niether of us had been to the New England area north of New York. We traveled up to our hotel on Wednesday and enjoyed a delicious Thai meal for our supper. Then Thursday we spent in down town Boston. It started out as a sunny day, but as the day progresssed it became overcast, cold and drizzly.

Our first adventure (besides the subway and train system) was a Whale Watch tour with the Boston New England Aquarium. As you can see, the city sky line was masked with hovering clouds. (And the salt water and humidity made my hair a bit frizzy.) Thanks to Dramamine neither of us experienced what deep sea fisherman experience, even though there were 2-4 foot swells.

We did see two humpback whales, a mother and her calf. The baby did most of the acrobatics for us to ooh and ahhh over. It was worth the hour and a half boat ride out to the feeding grounds of Stellwagen Bank to watch and see!

Friday was a rain day. We spent most of our day inside the hotel watching movies, swimming in the in-door pool, and napping.
Saturday was beautiful!! We drove to Plymoth (the town) and visited the Plimoth Plantation, museum, and Indian village. The plantation overlooked the bay. I wish Boston, MA were closer to home. I'd love to take my second graders for a field trip. It was very interesting to listen to the actors and actresses dressed up as reinactors of the day and time of the plantation, 1627.
Inside the Wampanoag Indian long house.
We also went to Plymoth bay to see the Mayflower II. It is a replica of the original Mayflower built in 1951. I couldn't believe that 102 passengers fit in that tiny boat. And. . . that it made it across the ocean from Europe!!

The final day was spent traveling back home (7 and a half hours with stops). It was a great, relaxing time away. But it always nice to come home again. . .

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