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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Day to Remember and Release

Precious treasures stored away and kept for a "special day": Alivia's hospital bunting, cap, blanket, foot prints, ultrasound pictures and praying bear; along with a few other keepsakes kept tucked away.

From her first ultrasound at 21 weeks. She was proclaimed a perfectly healthy baby girl, growing right on target with all the charts.

She has my nose; this I know.

A year ago I was a very scared and nervous woman on the way to my 26 week appointment. My anxiety levels were through the roof! I KNEW something was wrong. Worry and concern had been growing for more than a week, and I was about to burst if someone didn't tell me whether I was crazy or had legitimate concerns.
The relief that came with finally knowing the horrid truth was shocking. The unnecessary burdens we bear that we have no control over can be stifling. God's peace beyond understanding also wrapped itself around me. It carried me carefully through the following weeks and months, slowly allowing me to deal with my grief one step at a time. Tears were very healing. Friends, colleagues, family and loved ones were literally my standing, breathing, living support. Eric and I were brought very near to one another, as we shared a grief no one else could perfectly understand in the same way.
Today, one year later, I feel a great release and peace. I no longer have troubled nightmares reliving those days leading up to Alivia's birth. I am no longer plagued with WHEN and HOW it happened. I can even say I have peace with little to no answers to these questions. God has done a mighty, mighty work in my life this past year. This I can testify to! Where I was a year ago is no longer where I stand today. I praise HIM for that great and glorious work. I am challenged to ask him to "Do it again!" For I know pain may also come with His work. Will you be strong enough to ask with me? There is often courage in numbers.
"Lord, continue your good work in our lives, as well as, those all around us!" Amen.


  1. This is so beautifully written. I love what God is doing in your life.

  2. Thanks for writing, your story is so touching.
