Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Tooth! and other wonders

Isaac has his FIRST TOOTH! We are so proud of this accomplishment. . . and relieved to know what his slight fever and crankiness was all about. Sorry, no pictures of it yet, as it is still quite hard to capture or see. His tongue often gets in the way, too.

Isaac has also learned to eat bread and not make a face, like I just fed him something poisonous. With all that he sticks in his mouth, why does something that is actually edible make him cringe so? It must have been a texture problem. But now he enjoys the challenge of picking up the tiny pieces and strategizing how to get them to his mouth and then successfully IN! This is such a joy to watch. How amazing is this role called parenting, that I am blessed by his simple pleasures and successes!

We also had Pose Photography (aka Selena Jetnarayan) take some family pictures. Selena did a marvelous job! She has a gift and talent that few can claim. Mostly they feature our little star, so please focus on him and not us. Here are a few samples for your viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are beautiful. Tell Isaac congratulations on the tooth!
