Eric and I have found ourselves really appreciating the sounds and songs of Steven Curtis Chapman. SCC’s honest and amazing way of putting his thoughts and feelings to music has been a door for us to express and identify our emotions these past couple of months and years, really. Music is a ministry and a way that God uses to access our souls deepest caverns. Even throughout our dating days Eric and I would send carefully selected songs to one another. The lyrics had a way of expressing more than words could say.
Steven’s newest CD was written months after his daughter’s death, months after the earthquakes in China and illustrates the ongoing grieving and releasing process we, as humans, go through. Some songs are “hard” to listen to, and some are “hard” for me to accept and wrap my mind around. But God has blessed us immensely through the words and their truth of our loving Father.
This song in particular has me picturing Heaven: Eric and I walking hand in hand with ALL of our children, including Isaac and Alivia, and hopefully even Isaac's birth family. How beautiful! Some days I just can't help but long for it.
Heaven is the face
Heaven is the face of a little girl
With dark brown eyes
That disappear when she smiles
Heaven is the place
Where she calls my name
Says, “Daddy please come play with me for a while”
God, I know, it’s all of this and so much more
But God, You know, that this is what I’m aching for
God, You know, I just can’t SEE beyond the door
So right now
Heaven is the sound of her breathing deep
Lying on my chest, falling fast asleep while I sing
And Heaven is the weight of her in my arms
Being there to keep her safe from harm while she dreams
And God, I know, it’s all of this and so much more
But God, You know, that this is what I’m longing for
God, You know, I just can’t SEE beyond the door
But in my mind’s eye
I can SEE a place
Where Your glory fills every empty space
All the cancer is gone
Every mouth is fed
And there’s no more goodbye
And no more not enough
And there’s no more enemy
Heaven is a sweet maple syrup kiss
And a thousand other little things I miss with her gone
Heaven is the place where she takes my hand
And leads me to You
And we both run into Your arms
Oh God, I know, it’s so much more than I can dream
It’s far beyond anything I can conceive
So God, You know, I’m trusting You until I SEE
Heaven in the face of my little girl
There is a special story behind the word SEE. If you have a chance, you should read it in SCC's beautywillrise album, where this song is found.
Here is an Internet site of the song: